帽子和长袍套装的价格为38美元+税,包括帽子, 礼服, 带CR标志的饰带, 流苏, 还有年的魅力. 有些物品可以单独购买. 荣誉绳将出售给指定荣誉名单上的学生.
标记 can be purchased at the Campus Store located in the LRC or over the phone by calling (707) 476-4130. 标记将在4月份准备购买.
如果你是EOPS的学生,EOPS项目将购买你的徽章. Eligible EOPS students will receive an email when Graduation 标记 is available to pick up. 如果您没有收到电子邮件,请致电EOPS (707) 476-4270.
标记 can be purchased at the front office or over the phone by calling the Campus Store at (707) 476-4130. 标记将在4月份准备购买.
如果你是EOPS的学生,EOPS项目将购买你的徽章. Eligible EOPS students will receive an email when Graduation 标记 is available to pick up. 如果您没有收到电子邮件,请致电EOPS (707) 476-4270.
标记 can be purchased at the Campus Store in the LRC on the Eureka campus or over the phone by calling (707) 476-4130. 标记将在4月份准备购买. 如果你是EOPS的学生,EOPS项目将购买你的徽章.
Eligible EOPS students will receive an email when Graduation 标记 is available to pick up. 如果您没有收到电子邮件,请致电EOPS (707) 476-4270. Students who are sponsored by the Hoopa Career and Technical Education Program should meet with their academic advisor regarding their order.